NetSuite CRM+ Behavioral Marketing Automation
Identify your contacts’ buying interest and provide them individualized messaging with Trimtab Consultants’ turn-key NetSuite CRM+ with the Silverpop Behavioral Marketing Automation system. Our marketing platform lets you:
- Identify and track customer behavior across all digital platforms
You will know which emails a contact opens, what links they clicked on, what products they view, which pages they visit on your website and how many times. Give behaviors likes these a score so you can rank your contacts based on engagement level and topic of interest. Then target your sales effort to the hot, engaged prospects.
- Tailor content to customers based on their behavior.
With our interaction engine, marketers can now leverage massive amounts of tracked data to deliver highly personalized interactions, at scale, that improve the overall buying experience and drive revenue. Automate messaging based on which products a prospect views, which links they click on, and what pages they view now and in the future.
Use Scenario
You send out an email nurturing campaign targeting prospects for your new product line. As your contacts interact with your email, the system tracks user behavior, such as who opens emails, clicks links, visits website pages and what specific products those prospects are viewing. You assign scores to these actions so each contact has a cumulative score which helps your sales team focus on your most engaged leads. Your prospects’ behaviors and scores are accessible for your sales team on each contact record in NetSuite CRM+.